Two little girls about 3 or 4 years old were riding the Polar Express with mom, dad, and auntie. I was performing as Lollipop the Elf in the VIP car this night. The mom stopped me and to asked me to let Santa know the one little girl was very afraid of Santa. I sat down next to the little girl and asked her if she knew why she was afraid of him. She shook her head back and forth indicating she did not know. I told her that I was 155 years old and had worked for Santa all my life and that he was the nicest, happiest, gentle person I know and loved working for him. I promised her that I would never let anyone on the train hurt her and that I would let Santa know she was a little afraid to see him if he got on the train. Knowing who our Santa was, I patted her on the knee and did as I promised.
I did not get to see her face when Santa went into her section of the car, but as she was leaving, I asked her if she was still scared of Santa. She smiled from ear to ear and shook her head side to side with immense joy. After the run, Santa told me what wonderful moment he had with this little girl giving her a bell.
You know, I may get sick and lose my voice performing on the Polar Express, but the blessings and God Winks that come from it are always the best medicine. It renews my hope and faith in humankind even if it is only for a little while.